Update on Helen, Director of Mission Haiti
Updated: Jul 13, 2021
Helen Roenfeldt, the longtime director of Mission Haiti, died from COVID19 on February 18th in Fort Myers, FL. Her husband Lloyd, who suffered from Parkinson’s disease and dementia just passed away March 3rd in the eventing and is reunited with her at the Savior’s side. Helen will be dearly missed and cannot be replaced at Mission Haiti, but the board and participants in this mission pray her work she started will continue and even expand. She was a leader at her church, Thrive Community, in Estero, FL and will be dearly missed by many. The family is planning a memorial service to God’s glory for her and possibly for Lloyd when it is safer to gather in person, probably in late May or early summer. At this time, the members of Thrive who see Helen and Lloyd as family, felt a need to hold a memorial service online. It premiered on Wednesday, March 3rd at 6:30 PM but can still be watched at any time: